RUTH: Eddie. TEDDY turns. Pause. Don't become a stranger. TEDDY goes, shuts the front door. Silence. The three men stand. RUTH sits relaxed on her chair. SAM lies still. JOEY walks slowly across the room. He kneels at her chair. She touches his head, lightly. He puts his head in her lap. MAX begins to move above them, backwards and forwards. LENNY stands still. MAX turns to LENNY. MAX: I'm too old, I suppose. She thinks I'm an old man. Pause. I'm not such an old man. Pause. (To RUTH.) You think I'm too old for you? Pause. Listen. You think you're just going to get that big slag all the time? You think you're just going to have him . . . you're going to just have him all the time? You're going to have to work! You'll have to take them on, you understand? Pause. Does she realize that? Pause. Lenny, do you think she understands . . . He begins to stammer. What . . . what . . . what . . . we're getting at? What . . . we've got in mind? Do y...