Ef konur stjórnuðu Meistaradeildinni

Tyra Banks stendur frammi fyrir fyrirliðum 16 knattspyrnuliða:
I have sixteen beautiful football teams in front of me... But I only have fifteen pictures in my hand... When I call your team's name, please step forward...

Real Madrid... congratulations. You're still in the running towards becoming Champions of Europe.

Manchester United... congratulations. You're still in the running towards becoming Champions of Europe.

Og svo framvegis þar til aðeins tvö lið eru eftir.

Will Chelsea and Inter Milan please step forward... Inter... the judges feel unsure whether you have what it takes to become Champions of Europe... they feel you're only here because Juventus aren't... Chelsea... you have the money, you have the players, but you play boring football... the team whose name I don't call must immediately return to the training ground, pack its belongings and go home...



Inter Milan... congratulations. You're still in the running towards becoming Champions of Europe.

Close up af Ashley Cole með tárin í augunum.


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